Verbal Communication in Business

Meaning and Importance of Verbal Communication

Our spoken words have greater impact than that of the sword taken out of the scabbard. The speeches of famous leaders and revolutionaries have had the greatest impact on people resulting in movements and revolutions. The words can encourage the people to take over and complete the tasks beyond their ability. On the other hand, the worlds can dis-spirit and discourage the people from doing even their routine jobs. Oral communication is vital to human relationships in every business organization as well as social gatherings.

We talk to people for many purposes. We may talk in order to escape boredom, to get acquainted with a newcomer, to warn the person about his or her misbehavior, to suggest novel ideas to other people who work with us, to instruct others, and for a number of other purposes. Much of the professional and business communication through oral media takes places between two people.

Verbal Communication in the Workplace

Business experts exhibiting viable verbal communication abilities use talked words to pass on a message plainly and briefly. To get a message over, the sender needs to guarantee the receiver accurately deciphers the words. If not, disarray and clash commonly comes about. By effectively conveying a message, business experts portray thoughts, contemplation and mandates that permit associates to work better together. Viable verbal communication starts by recognizing what the group of onlookers needs. By arranging what he needs to say, how he needs to say it and looking for criticism on how the message was gotten, a business expert guarantees fruitful communication.

  1. Gatherings:  Verbal communication happens in gatherings when members impart their thoughts. Compelling meeting coordinators unmistakably characterize their target, for example, whether the purpose of the meeting is to settle on a choice, conceptualize thoughts, favor an arrangement, impart a change or get a status report. Toward the start of the meeting, a coordinator utilizes verbal communication to express the needs of the meeting, the craved results and the measure of time permitted to talk about every point. By requesting extra include from members, she guarantees the meeting stays applicable for everybody. The meeting coordinator likewise guarantees that each member gets an opportunity to talk without hoarding the plan.
  2. Presentations and Lectures:  Utilizing successful verbal communication, business experts give presentations and addresses to pass on their aptitude on a specific point. Whether a business expert gives direction, depicts an item to make a deal or imparts a dream or system, he needs to keep the message clear by planning sufficiently. Utilizing striking dialect, graphic cases and supplementary visuals, he guarantees an effective presentation. By utilizing short words and sentences, speakers have a tendency to maintain a strategic distance from disarray. Compelling moderators permit time for the gathering of people to make inquiries and give remarks.
  3. Workshops:  Workshop coordinators use verbal communication to direct the exercises of members. By giving clear directions to gathering, the facilitator guarantees a positive advancement experience. Case in point, a pioneer portrays the standards for partaking a pretending activities, discusses the situation and decides to what extent the action takes. Utilizing powerful verbal communication, pioneers guide members in scrutinizing issues, tackling issues, arranging arrangements and deciding.
  4. Discussions:  Discussions regularly include two individuals examining a subject. Powerful verbal communication happens amid discussions when the speaker recognizes the affected of the subject, time requirements and sorts of inquiries the collector may ask. On the off chance that the discussion happens, fruitful communicators use dynamic listening abilities, for example, rehashing back what the other individual has said. They additionally oppose the enticement to interfere with and permit the other individual to talk up also to pass on their considerations. In the event that the discussion happens by phone, the members need to give careful consideration

Effective Verbal Communication

  1. Pronunciation: All the language units must be pronounced properly and clearly. The message cannot be intelligible without proper articulation of sounds. Sometimes, it happens that a person who is able to articulate a sound properly is unable to pronounce the words correctly. The words in English language must be stressed on the exact syllables.
  2. Clarity, Conciseness and Completeness: It is essential that the message should be brief and concise, but complete in every aspect. The brevity should not be achieved at the cost of clarity and completeness. Too much talking may lead to misunderstanding and over communication, but too little talking can lead to partial understanding and under communication.
  3. Vocabulary: The communicator must have a good vocabulary. He should us choicest words to convey correct meaning. It the person who communicates orally has inadequate vocabulary; the listener will receive incorrect and confused meaning.
  4. Self-confidence: If the communicator lacks self-confidence, it is likely that he will not be able to impress the message on the listener. He must have a sufficient knowledge of the subject on which he has to talk. Secondly, he must plan his message carefully before imparting it to the receiver. The logical sequence of various ideas in the message is an outcome of organizing and planning the message. Adequate planning, preparation and organization of the message help the speaker to raise his morale and self-confidence.
  5. Pitch: There are three patterns 1) rising pitch, 2) falling pitch and 3) dividing pitch. It is essential to use the correct pitch of sound. The variations in the pitch sounds can help the speaker to create interest and hold the attention of the listeners.
  6. Tone and style: The message must make appeal not only to the intellect but also to the heart of the listener. The words impart the intended meaning when they are spoken with the tone and style that suit the occasion. The tone of the voice gives the listener an idea about the feeling associated with the words.

Advantages of Verbal communication

  1. Adjustment of message: The speaker gets immediate feedback from the receiver, which helps him to find out how he receives the message and how he reacts to it. The immediate feedback not only lets the communicator to know the kind of response from the receiver but it also helps him to modify his message in such a way that it becomes readily and favorably acceptable to the receiver.
  2. Immediate clarifications: The communicator can clarify certain ideals in his message which are not properly understood by the receiver or which might leave some doubts in his mind. These doubts or the queries of the receiver arise from the defective message and these are communicated to the receiver in the form of feedback.
  3. Time: Verbal messages can be transmitted through telephone almost immediately whereas the written message take more time to reach up to the receiver by post. The written message takes comparatively longer time because it may require consulting, dictating, drafting, typing, posting, etc. which the oral transmission does not require. When immediate action is required, the oral communication is the best media.
  4. Persuasion and control: The speaker can judge the replies of the other party and can change his arguments in such a way that thereby he can influence the attitudes, feelings, opinions and beliefs of the receivers. The verbal directives and instructions are effective in controlling the employees and the situations in order to ensure the fulfillment of the objectives.
  5. Formality: Verbal communication is less formal than the written communication. Informal talks can help in building friendships and personal relations between the communicator and the receiver.
  6. Cost: Verbal communication is not as costly a process as that of the written correspondence, especially when the message is to be communicated within the organization.
  7. Group communication: Verbal communication is a convenient and reliable media for communicating in committees, conferences and meetings where a number of people come together for discussion.

Disadvantages of Verbal Communication

  1. Future reference: The oral message cannot be referred back in future if they are not tape-recorded. As compared to written messages, oral messages do not constitute permanent record. Therefore, it has little or no value for legal procedures. It cannot become legal evidence in case if future disputes or lawsuits.
  2. Speaker’s preparedness: Verbal communication cannot be good and effective if the communicator is not a good speaker. He requires being lively, enthusiastic, vital, earnest and keenly interested in the subject.
  3. Lengthy message: Oral communication is not a suitable media for any lengthy official message that constitutes minute details.
  4. Distortion: The verbal message is more likely to be received in a distorted meaning by the receiver due to his misunderstanding and misinterpretation of it. It is found that people tend to have trouble in recalling correctly the main ideas and factual details, which are communicated to them orally.
  5. Retaining the message: It is found that people tend to have trouble in recalling properly the main ideas of the factual details, which are communicated to them orally. Due to imbalanced mental state of the listener or due to the listening barriers, the receiver may not understand the message completely and he may even forget the major part of the message after a long time.

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