What Is Data Strategy?

Data Strategy defines a set of choices and actions that, together, define a high-level course of action to achieve high-level goals. It involves business plans to use knowledge to a competitive advantage to support business objectives. A Data Strategy requires an understanding of the data needs inherent in the Business Strategy. Like many other terms, “data strategy” has several synonyms in data management. They include but are not limited to business data strategy, business data management strategy, information management strategy, business information management strategy, information strategic plan.  All these terms refer to the same concept of a single, enterprise plan for the use of organizational data as an essential asset for strategic and operational decision-making. A data strategy defines the Continue reading

Email Security Best Practices to Keep Your Business Safe

The most pervasive means of communication today for businesses and private citizens, Electronic mail or Email, was not designed with security in mind. Today, Email application is built into almost all smart devices from phones to computers to gaming and sensor devices. however, the Email message that this device send and receive is transmitted in plain text format in almost all cases. with ever-increasing cybercrime, sending plain text message that can potentially contain sensitive data is a risky undertaking. This weakness in security in Email systems, has made Email the primary attack vector for criminals. Cybercriminals use Email as simplest and cheapest method to ship their malicious payload to targets. The three core principles when it comes to information security, Continue reading

Why is Big Data so Important in Today’s World?

In the ever-changing, globalized economy, companies have started depending on assessments advanced by their internal processes, business operations, and customers to explore new opportunities for advancement and growth. Such insights present a massive intricate set of data that are produced then managed, analyzed, as well as manipulated by experts. The collation of such a large amount of data is collectively referred to as big data. The numerous peta and terabytes are presently considered as the big data benchmark. The main characteristics which describe big data include; volume which refers to the amount of produced and stored data that determines the potential and the value of the insight and if it can truly be assumed as big data or not. Secondly, Continue reading

What is Consumer Data Protection and Why is it Important?

Protecting consumer data is an important and necessary part of conducting business in today’s information society. Companies that fail to do so properly can lose consumer trust which can make a major impact on a company’s success as a business. Increasingly today, companies are more frequently making headlines for not taking the appropriate steps to protect consumer data. With huge payouts to customers, fines imposed by government counsels, and damaged reputations, enterprise-level companies must find ways to stay ahead of data thieves. Consumer data must be protected at all costs and implementing policies to do so are paramount to the success of enterprise-level companies. Consumers ultimately pay the price when a company fails to protect sensitive consumer data which can lead to Continue reading

Cybersecurity – Best Practices to Protect Business Organizations

In any organization, there are set duties, assignments and responsibilities to accomplish department goals, targeted objectives, and outcomes. Employees at every level within a business organization should take their responsibilities about Cybersecurity very seriously and be part of the organization Cybersecurity focus. Every department under the business structure should know what their part within the organization cybersecurity program. Every one, though matter what department they belong to should work as a team to meet and exceed the organization cybersecurity goals. Having a great cybersecurity program is the responsibility of management and it should be a part of every facet in all sectors of the business. In every organization with an IT department, the IT department is the regulator of the Continue reading

NetSuite ERP Software – True Cloud ERP Platform for Any Business

The main objective of establishing a business organization is to ensure that returns from the venture are maximized. Entrepreneurs must work around the clock for the mobilization of resources and make sure that the business goals are achieved. Various mechanisms are applied to enable the accomplishment of the missions. These encompass the creation of a working environment that is favorable, the adoption of the right technology as well as ensuring that there is the provision of suitable services and products into the market. Any business organization that aims at growing and attain global recognition has to make better consideration of technological trends. Operational data is a requirement for all levels of decision-making in organizations. It is essential because it gives Continue reading

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