ERP Software Assessment and Selection

ERP Software Assessment

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) has changed the way the multi-location companies work. All the departments in one location share a single database. And a remote sales manager can access this database and release purchase orders. One can extend this to the suppliers as well. The suppliers can see the stock of their product in your inventory and can replenish the stock immediately to the minimum stock level. All these are possible if you implement your ERP well. However, your ERP shall have the features that may be required tomorrow. Hence, it is important that you do a proper Erp Software Assessment.… Read the rest

Concept of Organizational Climate

Organizations are social systems. Organizations combine science and people, technology and humanity. It is not possible for every organization to have the same type of technology and people and so the organizations differ in their characteristics and internal environment.

The internal environment of an organization may be called the organizational climate. Organizational climate, a guide for dealing with people serves as a major influence on motivation and productivity of individuals and total work force.  Organizational climate may be noted as the ‘personality’ of an organization as conceived by its employees. The organizational climate usually has a major influence on motivation, productivity and job satisfaction.… Read the rest

Leadership vs. Management: Understanding the Differences

The difference between leader and manager can be summarized this way: “When you are a leader, you work from the heart. As a manager, you work from the head.” Although it is probably more complex than that, the point to remember is the difference between what you do as a leader and what you do as a manager-and the constant need to be able to do both. Furthermore, the head and heart need to be partners, not independent operators.

A manager focuses attention on efficiency, effectiveness, and making sure the right things happen at the right time. For instance: You are in a manager role when you set performance objectives with staff, prepare budgets, review cash flow projections, develop action plans, and evaluate programs or fund raising strategies or any other aspect of the company.… Read the rest

Environmental Scanning – Meaning, Definition and Importance

Every organisation is responsible for the environment that it creates. The organisation’s operation and structure all directly affected by the environment. Organisation’s environment impacts on resources and opportunities that how they can be treated? It is primary objective of the organisation to take care of the company’s operations that how they are affecting the environment. For the successful growth and development of business it is important to develop such a strategies those can be assist operate the business operations. To understand the environmental scanning it is important to identify the business and how it can affect the environment business around.

The definition of environmental scanning is “a process of gathering, analyzing, and dispensing information for tactical or strategic purposes.… Read the rest

Network Topology and Types of Network Topologies

A network topology refers to the layout of the computers and devices in a communications network. Network topologies also may be physical or logical. Physical topology means the physical design of a network including design of a network including the devices, location and cable installation. Logical topology refers to how data is actually transferred in a network as opposed to its physical design. Now lets see in detail diffrent types network topologies.

Types of Network Topologies

The term Topology refers to a connected layout of devices shared in a network. Now we shall go ahead in the discussion of the standard Topologies from the computer networking.

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Compare and Contrast Maslow’s Theory of Needs with Vroom’s Expectancy Theory

Motivation is an intangible human asset which acts as a driver that pushes humans to be willing to perform certain actions. In just about everything we do there is something that moves us to perform the action which involves some motivation allowing us to perform tasks or actions which produces some type of personal benefit as a result. The general theory would be that, the greater the personal gain in performing the task for the individual, the more motivated they are to try at the task to achieve the best outcome. Motivation is usually stimulated by a want where there is a gain to be had as a result of performing a certain task.… Read the rest

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