Concept of Flattening Organization Structures

Organizational structures refer to the way in which an organization is designed, including how tasks are divided, how authority is distributed, and how information flows. Traditional hierarchical structures have long been the norm in many organizations, but in recent years there has been a growing trend towards “flattening” organizational structures. Flattening refers to the process of reducing the number of hierarchical levels in an organization and distributing decision-making power more widely. In this article, we will explore the benefits and challenges of flattening organizational structures and provide some guidance on how to implement this approach effectively. Benefits of Flattening Organizational Structures Increased agility and responsiveness – Flattening an organization can make it more agile and better able to respond to Continue reading

What Is Participative Management?

Participative management is a management approach that involves employees in decision-making processes and encourages them to take an active role in the organization. It is also known as employee involvement, employee participation, or democratic management. Participative management is a form of empowerment that enables employees to contribute their ideas, knowledge, and skills to improve the organization’s performance. This article will discuss the concept of participative management, its benefits, challenges, and implementation strategies. Concept of Participative Management Participative management is a management style that aims to involve employees in the decision-making process. It is based on the principle that employees who are directly involved in the work processes are best suited to make decisions that affect their work. Participative management recognizes Continue reading

Employee Participation and Organization Performance

In the first instance is necessary to define both employee participation as well as what is meant by performance. Employee participation may be defined as the process by which employees are involved in the decision making process of a business rather than merely being expect to following instructions and as such this forms what is referred to in HR as empowerment. Performance on the other hand can be considered from two perspectives, firstly there is the performance of the individual in question and how their personal performance is affected by the concept of employee participation. Secondly there is the performance of the organization as a whole to consider and how this will change with varying degrees of employee participation.  Approaches Continue reading

Visionary Leadership Style – Meaning, Benefits and Challenges

Visionary Leadership is defined as an operation to influence others in order to create a better future and solve problems in an innovative way. Visionary leaders are those which have the ability to see the capabilities in others have the tendency to lead them. This type of leadership style creates a positive momentum and endurance in an organization. However, the visionary leadership style is most effective when an organization needs a new and clear direction to follow. Employees or people who performed under visionary leaders always enjoy working with them and truly want themselves to reach their full potential and find meaning in their work. Visionary leaders are somewhere different from other leaders as they always inspire, encourage, empower and Continue reading

The Role of Leadership in Shaping Organizational Culture

Leadership is realized in the process whereby one or more individuals succeeds in attempting to frame and define the reality of others. Many around the world who call themselves leaders are in fact only managers, to be a leader you must have a clear vision and a goal to achieve your desired outcome.  Leaders help themselves and others to make the correct choices. They set direction, build an inspiring vision, and create something that’s never been created before. Leadership is about planning out where you need to go to succeed as a team or an organization; and it is strong, exhilarating, and motivating. Yet, while leaders set the direction, they must also use management skills to guide their people to Continue reading

Charles Handy’s Model of Organizational Culture

Organizational culture influences the behavior of organisations but as it is intangible it is difficult to define and understand. Organisational culture introduces unspoken rituals and tacit rules and addresses the actions, values, and behaviors, which, in combination, contribute to the overall philosophy and environment of the organisation.  It shapes the way in which employees behave and make decisions and is formed over time as a result of the experiences and values of the organisation and the way in which it reacts to internal and external circumstances. A key role of organizational culture is to differentiate the organisation from others and provide a sense of identity for its members. Cultures do not have to be logical or consistent, in fact they Continue reading

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