Importance of Stakeholder Engagement in Business

Stakeholders are all those people or businesses that are essential for a company, because they contribute to keep it afloat or in operation. They can be affected if their expectations or needs are not met. There are three interested parties: suppliers, customers and investors. Each of them is an indispensable part. Without its essential contribution, the business could not be sustained or built. Suppliers provide the input, customers are those who consume our products and refer us to new prospects and investors or owners, contribute their capital for the sustainable development of the business. Stakeholders can benefit or be harmed by any action or decision taken. That is why every business or company must identify them and know their needs and expectations to fulfill them. Since above all, they are the ones that contribute in a special way to our business. Stakeholders have increasingly become an essential component of business Continue reading

Why Stakeholder Management is Important?

In order to justify why managing stakeholders is important to the organization, first, we have to clarify what is a stakeholder? A stakeholder is a person, group, or association that has a direct or indirect post in an organization because it can affect or be affected by the organization’s achievement objectives, and rules. Key stakeholders in a business organization include creditors, customers, administrations, employees, government (and its agencies), owners (shareholders), traders, unions, and the community from which the business gains its capital. A stakeholder can be dividing into primary and secondary groups. Primary stakeholders are important to the continued success of the organizational venture and include shareholders and investors, staff, contractors, customers, and suppliers. The secondary stakeholder can impact the business or are affected by the organizational venture. They are not involved in direct transactions with the company. Also, they are not directly critical to the survival of the business Continue reading

What is Customer Analytics?

Data in any form is considered as the new gold in the 21st century.  Organizations that primarily focus on data-driven approaches have the potential to be ahead of their respective game. One of the important and core objectives of any company would be to maintain a solid and strong relationship with its customers, understanding them and providing them what they want. Customer Analytics is this field of analytics, where one dives deep into the consumer data and brings about useful insights on their clients. Customer Analytics finds its utmost use in the marketing as well sales departments where the customer data is the key to understand the customer behavior for them chart their marketing as well advertising strategy. Customer Analytics supports business decision-making through targeting specific groups based on income groups, age groups, and customer segmentation as understanding customer groups would help the businesses to create more strong strategies for Continue reading

Effectuation – New Paradigm of Entrepreneurship

The business world is permeated through and through this kind of rationality, based on what we see is happening today in the world, what are the trends? what will be the consequences? are forecasted the solutions in a business environment. However, according to Saras Sarasvathy, it is not how entrepreneurs think. The thought process is not “causal” but “effectual”. When a project is approached, the entrepreneur has three means skills: his own innate abilities, skills acquired through education and personal contacts. The entrepreneur is guided by a simple maxim: “To what extent can we control the future, we do not need to predict it.” Here lies all the difference. According to Sarasvathy, the successful entrepreneur does not try to predict what will be the most profitable markets, very opposite idea to Henry Mintzberg. In 1997 Saras Sarasvathy, professor of business and ethics at the University of Virginia but then a Continue reading

Role of Organizational Climate in Facilitating Innovation

One of the most important roles that the leaders play within organization settings is to create the climate for innovation. Organizational climate is a key factor in innovation implementation. Building up an innovative culture in an organisation is one of the important tasks of an innovative leadership. At the same time, creative organizational climate is one of fundamental elements that leads to success of innovation. Doing so successfully will certainly further secure and strengthen the leadership, which initiates innovative climate in the first place. This success will also bind more followers to the leadership because of its respective contributions for innovation, or in another word future success. A leadership should have a quality and skills to manoeuvre the internal environment of an organisation to create a favorable climate for innovation. Although there is no direct influence between organizational climate and innovation, a favorable climate can naturally drive people to seek Continue reading

The Role of Leadership in Innovation

Now more than ever, companies are putting more attention to innovation that make their products and services more competitive, thereby enable them to survive and flourish in the changeable and challenging global environment. Innovation is regarded as a key driver of competitive advantage in organizations. Innovation is defined as the first attempt to carry out a new creative idea, and translate it into practice. However, it isn’t easy; it’s a difficult and complex task. There are two primary factors influencing the success of innovation: technical resources (people, equipment, knowledge, money, etc.) and the abilities in the organisation to manage these resources to encourage innovations. Organisation is a kind of breeding ground for generating creative idea and capturing new opportunities. An innovative organisation has several key components: appropriate structure, effective team working, external focus, leadership, key individual, creative climate and etc. All the factors are absolutely essential. All innovative organisations needs Continue reading

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