Total Quality Management (TQM) Implementation

Total Quality Management (TQM) is a method by which management and employees can become involved in the continuous improvement of the production of goods and services. It is a combination of quality and management tools aimed at increasing business and reducing losses due to wasteful practices. Total Quality Management (TQM)    views an organization as a collection of processes. It maintains that organizations must strive to continuously improve these processes by incorporating the knowledge and experiences of workers. The simple objective of TQM is “Do the right things, right the first time, every time.” TQM is infinitely variable and adaptable. Although originally applied to manufacturing operations, and for a number of years only used in that area, TQM is now Continue reading

Total Quality Management (TQM) Approach

Quality is a continuous process that can be broken anywhere in the system of supply and customer service. By letting every person know how their activities help fulfill customer’s requirements, the organization can motivate their employees and supplies to provide quality consistently. They must also realize that throughout the organization they will have both internal customers and’ supplies to those outside the organization. In general, a process helps to change a set of inputs into desired output in the form of products or services. Proper investigation of the inputs and outputs of the organization help to determine the action to be taken for the improvement of the quality. The quest for continuous improvement of quality is a continuous cycle. The Continue reading

Total Quality Management (TQM)

Quality Control processes in business are aimed at ensuring a good or service is of the standard of quality that the manufacturer or supplier has determined. Under the concept of   Total Quality Management (TQM), quality control extends to every aspect of the way a business operates. In the case of a manufactured good it means that during design, production, and servicing the quality of work and materials must be up to the standard laid down. The emphasis put on quality control in many countries in recent years was to a large extent a response to the competitive edge Japanese businesses had achieved by paying attention to quality. However, it was an American management consultant, W. Edwards Deming, who brought Continue reading

Work Study

Work Study forms the basis for work system design. The purpose of work design is to identify the most effective means of achieving necessary functions. Work study aims at improving the existing and proposed ways of doing work and establishing standard times for work performance. Work design involves job design, work measurement and the establishment of time standards and worker compensation. Work Study is encompassed by two techniques -method study and work measurement (time study): Method study is the systematic recording and critical examination of existing and proposed ways of doing work, as a means of developing and applying easier and methods and reducing costs. Work measurement (or Time study) is the application of techniques designed to establish the time Continue reading

Kaizen – The Philosophy of Continuous Improvement

What is Kaizen? Japan’s management philosophy has introduced a new creative strategy for competitive success in business, or the so-called “Kaizen” model. The term Kaizen began to receive attention from management experts and scholars around the world when Masaaki Imai published his first book in 1986, “The Key to Japan’s Competitive Success”. Kaizen is a Japanese word with literally mean improvement, taken from words ‘Kai’, which means continuous and ‘zen’ which means improvement. Some translate ‘Kai’ to mean change and ‘zen’ to mean good, or for the better.  In the context of Lean manufacturing, kaizen is understood to signify small, incremental, and frequent improvements to a process. Lean philosophy states that the large improvement which just require small amounts of Continue reading

9 Steps to Implement a Total Quality Management System

Total Quality Management (TQM) is a function to develop quality and performance which resolve surpass consumer expectations. It can accomplished by integrate the quality associated functions and processes through the organization. TQM looks at the particular quality measures apply by organization as well as managing quality development and design, maintenance and quality control, quality assurance and quality improvement. Furthermore, TQM takes account into all quality measures that taken at all stages and concerning all organization employees. Besides that, Total Quality Management (TQM) plans in an effort to maintain competitiveness in categorize to attain consumer satisfaction in the increasing of competition around the world. TQM is an integrative idea of administration for incessantly civilizing the quality of progression and products. TQM Continue reading

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