10 Essential Security Awareness Tips for Business Owners and Employees

In this era of cybercrime, the importance of a proper security system cannot be underestimated. It is imperative that every business has in place security measures to protect itself from both internal and external threats. This ensures that customers and other stakeholders feel confident and safe whenever they are on your premises. Moreover, prevention is better than counting the losses that may arise from theft, data corruption or even injuries resulting from an attack.

These tips will guide you in rolling out a foolproof business security protocol:

  1. Install bright lights at the entrance of your premises

Installing these lights will scare away robbers and vandals, and provide you with a clear view of the building’s entrance.

  1. Install Wireless CCTV Cameras

Have the wireless CCTV cameras at the gate and strategic parts within your building. Real-time surveillance keeps shoplifters away. Their feed can come in handy in identifying suspects in police cases and keep employees in check. Ensure there are no blind spots in the cameras’ range that savvy criminals can take advantage of.

  1. Train your staff in security awareness

Sign up your employees for a company security awareness training program. This will give them the training they need to protect the business and themselves from potential attacks.

  1. Hire a security firm

Invest in the services of a security firm to ensure that you get trained guards for your premises. They can intercept troublemakers immediately and can assist in case of emergencies. They also provide customer service such as showing new customers to their destination.

  1. Have effective barriers to and within the premises in place.

You need to have heavy reinforced steel doors in place. Glass and ordinary wood doors are easy to break. Have blinds at display windows to discourage thieves from ‘window shopping’ and stealing. Moreover, have invisible laser beams that trigger silent alarms within your premises. These will help stop criminals in case the frontline barriers are compromised.

  1. Revoke the access of previous employees.

Disgruntled ex-employees may use their access to cause harm or steal company data. It is imperative to have them submit their access keycards, company identification cards and clear their biometric data from the security system.

  1. Have an inventory for all items within the business.

This inventory can be used to track office equipment (pens, paper) and other equipment in the store. This ensures that every item is accounted for and that employees and customers do not steal any. Have every item tagged or labeled to discourage theft and identify it in case of loss.

  1. Limit access to rooms with sensitive data or equipment.

Server rooms and networking equipment should be protected adequately from unauthorized personnel. Know everyone with access to these rooms and ensure they are competent to avoid data breaches and equipment damage.

  1. Protect your company data.

Never leave workstations unlocked and unattended. Use and change your passwords often and install a secure firewall and antivirus software to keep hackers at bay. Avoid opening suspicious attachments and links in your emails, especially .exe files. Back up all critical data to the cloud. Obtain your software from legitimate sources and update them often to ensure patch ups to harmful bugs and back doors to the system.

  1. Handle your customers in a professional manner

Your customers are people with varied personalities. It is therefore essential to be careful and sensitive while dealing with them to avoid unnecessary incidents of violence and property damage. Train your employees to spot troublemakers immediately and be smart about how they handle them.

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