The Impact of Information Technology on Communication

Communication is the key thing that sets human beings apart from all the other animals. The human ability to communicate at a very sophisticated level has enabled us to build civilizations and to develop advanced technologies. Technology has increased incrementally since then and there have been huge leaps in communications technologies, such as the Internet. Whereas, the quality of the communication deteriorated as our ability to communicate rapidly via technology. The world today is a global world; we live in a global village and the world as we know it keeps decreasing due to the rapid growth of technology. The ever increasing speed at the development of new technology creates innovative ways of communicating and in more ways than one has changed the way people communicate.… Read the rest

Priestley’s Paradox – Impact of Technology on Communication

Communication is an essential part of everyday life. There are many things which have effect on communication, technology having a very large effect. Through the increase of communication technology, there has been a decrease in the quality of effective communication. While considering the theory of Priestley’s Paradox, the lack of interpersonal communication in new forms of technology have significantly affected the quality of communication. Modern technologies decrease the quality of communications through the lack of verbal and non-verbal feedback, the distortion of messages and also the unequal access to forms of these technologies. Verbal and non-verbal elements of interpersonal communication have effectively declined due to technology.… Read the rest

Spiral of Silence Theory

Elizabeth Noelle—Neumann’s Spiral of Silence theory analyses  and demonstrates how interpersonal communication and media operate  together in the development of public opinion.  Elizabeth Noelle-Neumann is a  German political scientist.  Through  this Spiral of Silence theory  Neumann indirectly explains the  Jews status during World War II  under  Nazi’s  control.  Adolf Hitler  dominated the whole society and  the minority Jews became silent  due to the fear of isolation or  separation.

This theory states that in elections certain views seem to get more  play than others. Sometimes people mute their opinions rather than talk  about them. It occurs when  individuals express when they perceive that their opinion is popular and  those who think otherwise remain quiet.… Read the rest

Design and Placement of the Corporate Communication Function

The need to centralize or decentralize usually comes down to weighing the considerations of company size, product, or service diversity, and geographic spread. For a company as diverse and large as General Electric, for example, the question was moot. Such a huge, diverse organization involved in activities as different as aerospace and network television cannot possibly remain completely centralized in all of its communication activities. Perhaps then, the best structure for large companies is some combination of a strong, centralized, functional area plus a network of decentralized operatives helping to keep communications consistent throughout the organization while adapting the function to the special needs of the independent business unit.… Read the rest

Normative Theories of Mass Media

Normative theories  are theories that seek to locate media structure and performance in the milieu (environment) in which they operate, they are observation of situation within which the press operate. The basic assumption of the normative theory is that, “the press always take on the form and coloration of the social and political structure within which it operate” (Siebert, Peterson and Schramm, 1995). They are theories that explain the expected operation of media under political and economical circumstance The origin of normative theories of the press seen from two opposing view points, (1.) Radical libertarian (first amendment absolutist) and technocratic control, the first amendment absolutist takes the idea of “ free press” as literal and oppose government regulation while the technocrats do not trust the media and believes in use of regulators to act in the public interest, and (2.)… Read the rest

Factors Leading to Integration of Marketing Communication

Keeping in view the dynamic environment of today’s business, marketer is required to develop the product that have the capacity to satisfy target market needs and wants, price that product attractively, and ensure its availability to the target customers. But the task does not stop over here; the organization must also communicate with their target about the company offerings. Communication is the process in which messages are exchanged to achieve a desired behavior direction or goal. The task of communication with target market is called promotion in marketing.

A company can use variety of promotion techniques including advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, direct marketing and public relations to achieve the company’s communication objectives.… Read the rest

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