Cybersecurity – Best Practices to Protect Business Organizations

In any organization, there are set duties, assignments and responsibilities to accomplish department goals, targeted objectives, and outcomes. Employees at every level within a business organization should take their responsibilities about Cybersecurity very seriously and be part of the organization Cybersecurity focus. Every department under the business structure should know what their part within the organization cybersecurity program. Every one, though matter what department they belong to should work as a team to meet and exceed the organization cybersecurity goals. Having a great cybersecurity program is the responsibility of management and it should be a part of every facet in all sectors of the business. In every organization with an IT department, the IT department is the regulator of the Continue reading

NetSuite ERP Software – True Cloud ERP Platform for Any Business

The main objective of establishing a business organization is to ensure that returns from the venture are maximized. Entrepreneurs must work around the clock for the mobilization of resources and make sure that the business goals are achieved. Various mechanisms are applied to enable the accomplishment of the missions. These encompass the creation of a working environment that is favorable, the adoption of the right technology as well as ensuring that there is the provision of suitable services and products into the market. Any business organization that aims at growing and attain global recognition has to make better consideration of technological trends. Operational data is a requirement for all levels of decision-making in organizations. It is essential because it gives Continue reading

Uses and Risks of Personal Data in Big Corporations

Big Data has taken a huge role in art in creating today’s Technological Revolution. It is a phrase coined to describe the exponential volume of data we currently hold. Data is collected from a number of sources including cell phones, applications, databases, servers, etc. In return, it can then be used to find trends, patterns, and connections specifically related to how humans behave along with their interactions. This information includes likes, dislikes, preferences, and search and buyer history and is not limited to personal data such as birthdate, social security number, home address, and much more. Corporations across the globe have found new ways to use this data in everyday business functions. The collection of Big Data can be used Continue reading

The Impact of the Internet of Things (IoT)

The Internet of Things (IoT) has the ability to interconnect the world in unprecedented way and is considered by many to be the next step in the evolution of the internet. The creation of the internet had a significant impact on the way in which society accesses and uses information. For the first time in history there was virtually unlimited access to information from all over the world at any time of the day. Information that used to take weeks or months to gather and analyze was now just a click away enabling people from all over the world to interact and collaborate at unprecedented speeds and significantly reduced costs. People were more connected to each other than ever before Continue reading

Blockchain Technology – Advantages and Disadvantages

In 2017, a new form of currency and heated topic came to light, Bitcoin. Soon after its emergence, Bitcoin turned into the most invested in and discussed topic. It was considered to be a future form of digital currency. Investors and debaters understood the basics of how Bitcoin operated, however, the system behind Bitcoin was unclear. Bitcoin, alike many other cryptocurrencies, uses a system called Blockchain. What is Blockchain? How does Blockchain play a role in cryptocurrency? According to, “The block chain is a shared public ledger on which the entire Bitcoin network relies.” For example, imagine an iron chain full of square blocks, each block is bind by a transaction between two parties. The blocks are added one after Continue reading

Cryptocurrency – Meaning and How it Works

Cryptocurrency is an online digital and virtual currency which only exists electronically where it is designed to be secure and anonymous. This online currency can be offered as a medium of exchange that operates independently of a central bank. Being independent is a massive attraction for many people as it won’t have any government tampering as there is no central controlling authority. Users on the network would confirm every transaction which then become  a public record. This helps prevents the same digital/virtual currency from being spent more than once by the same individual. The ever-fast-moving market of cryptocurrency with exchange rates that can dramatically change by day or even sometimes by the hour Is quite a difficult market to understand. You Continue reading

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