HR Trends of 2019 that can Transform a Brand

Technology continues to be the main driver of emerging HR trends. While HR departments are often the first to adopt new technologies and business trends, the ways that they are being used across HR teams has resulted in real-world gains for the brands that are encouraging future-proofing. By being aware of these trends, a business will be better placed to take advantage of those technologies and cultural trends that their competitors may not yet have identified. The global human resources management sector is expected to grow to previously unimaginable size by 2025, so corporations and SMEs are being advised to look at ways to stay in touch with the following trends.

Employee Engagement

All companies will suffer when their employers are unengaged. That engagement is a vital component of HR management. The HR teams that prioritize the development of employee engagement strategies, from recruitment to offboarding, have access to a wide range of employee engagement software to make use of. These can be used to clearly define:

  • Ongoing training/education
  • Personalized career development plans
  • Staff recognition
  • Wellness programs (covering mental, physical, and financial)

Employee engagement is essential for a more secure business, and your HR team has access to the tools to reinforce it.

Outsourcing Tasks

Of course, outsourcing has always been used by businesses, but the HR department is often overlooked in this regard. That’s a mistake because with the evolving technologies already available, this can cut down on their workload. That, in turn, allows them more time to focus on practical tasks. If you want your HR team to focus on the more essential tasks in their remit, then give them the option of making use of resources like payroll services from TriNet. These allow your HR team to avoid time-consuming payroll tasks, giving them the freedom to focus more on your brand and it’s goals.

Blind Hiring

The modern business needs to have an eye on diversity. That’s because having a more diverse workforce gives you access to fresh ideas and perspectives that you simply won’t have if you employ the same people over and over again. Conscious or unconscious bias is very real and can harm your hiring process. This leaves your brand weaker than it should be. Blind hiring technology is available already and can be used to avoid sexism, racism, ageism, and classism throughout the process of hiring new team members. HR personnel now have the access they need to the tools that can improve blind applicant recruitment, right through to the interview and assessment stages.

Sexual Harassment and Virtual Reality

Sexual harassment continues to be an issue in the workplace. While HR departments have always worked hard to prevent sexual harassment from being an issue, traditional methods are clearly not effective. The growth of virtual reality has seen it being applied in many sectors and departments across the business world, but for sexual harassment training it is proving to be very effective. Through immersive visual education, users are taught to identify very obviously what is and isn’t acceptable in the workplace.

Technology is changing the world. For HR departments that want to have the most impact, making use of the right technology is essential, For streamlining your business and improving your chances of future growth, make sure that your HR management team knows the emerging trends, and how they can improve the structural foundations of any business.

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