How to Encourage Your Employees to Work Above and Beyond the Norm

A lack of motivation within an office environment is a cancer that can be easily spread from one employee to another. Within a short period of time, this malignant condition can bring revenue generation to a halt and unfortunately, management is often unaware how to begin rectifying the situation. As opposed to being forced to “excise” a specific employee or even an entire team from the workforce, it makes much more sense to embrace a proactive approach so that such a scenario can be avoided from the very beginning. Let us look at some excellent strategies to keep in mind at all times.

Encourage and Reward Innovation

Why does it seem that some businesses are unable to retain quality employees? One common reason behind high turnover rates is that workers simply do not feel rewarded for their actions. This is actually quite logical, for would you ever find the motivation to work harder or above office-wide standards if such efforts would not be recognized? Of course not. Managers need to step outside of their normal roles in order to better appreciate how employees are being recognized for a job well done.

In the same respect, encourage every worker to think outside of the proverbial box. Many organisations delegate such responsibilities to in-house think tanks or one-off brainstorming sessions. The problem here is that some of the most unique ideas are birthed from the average salesperson; he or she is constantly immersed in day-to-day activities as opposed to monitoring actions from behind a glass cubicle. Employees who feel that their opinions matter will prove highly beneficial for a number of reasons:

  • They will often bring an entirely different perspective to the table.
  • They are more likely to speak up if they have an issue with management.
  • In the event that a problem is discovered, it can be solved in a proactive manner.

It should likewise be mentioned that many small- to medium-sized successful startup firms have begun from the very same situations mentioned above. It only makes sense for management to utilize every resource at its disposal, as a motivated employee will quickly become an important part of the team. Rewarding those who go above and beyond expectations is likewise a sure-fire way to encourage others to work harder. The following section will represent a continuation of this point.

Create a Healthy Sense of In-House Competition

What was one of the main reasons why Jordan Belfort (the so-called Wolf of Wall Street) enjoyed so much success? Of course, we can observe that he was an intelligent and driven individual. It is nonetheless a fact that he would have accomplished very little without the help of loyal employees and co-workers. One of the ways in which he was able to drive their motivation was to create a sense of internal competition within the firm itself. We are not necessarily referring to the more extreme methods illustrated in the movie. On the contrary, there are a host of tools that management can utilize immediately. Some excellent ideas to contemplate include:

  • Offering daily, weekly and monthly sales competitions.
  • Providing free dinners to those who lead their team in terms of sales or conversion rates.
  • Fostering competitive activities outside of the office such as marathons, paintball games and similar events.

Let us also not forget to mention that these very same methods represent valuable team-building activities as opposed to motivational tools alone.

We should also address how much competition represents a “healthy” level. A certain amount within the workplace will always produce noticeable results. Still, be careful not to take such a notion to an extreme. Excessive levels of overt and covert competition can lead to dangerous circumstances such as enmity between coworkers, distractions and lower levels of productivity. Finding a balance is therefore a critical concern to keep in mind.

It can be quite challenging to motivate employees; particularly if they are involved with rather repetitive roles such as telemarketing or mass marketing campaigns. This is why it is critical to be able to spot the first hints of discontent within the workplace. This can be accomplished with several approaches:

  • Keeping a keen eye on weekly and monthly sales figures.
  • Holding regular meetings to obtain valuable in-house feedback.
  • Involving middle and lower management.
  • Addressing employee issues with a one-on-one approach as opposed to delegating responsibility.

No one has ever claimed that such practices can be implemented overnight. It will take a certain amount of time and effort if you hope to place your employees down the path to success. It is still much better to implement such practices soon as opposed to later. You are likely to be very surprised at how receptive your workers will be.

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