Causes and Prevention of Miscommunication in Business

Communication occurs at various stages (even for one particular action), in numerous ways, and for most beings, as well as certain machines. Some, if not all fields of study, commit a part of attention to communication. So when speaking about communication, it is very crucial to be sure about what features of communication one is speaking about. Definitions of communication extend widely, some recognizing that animals can communicate with each other as well as individuals, and some are narrower, only including individuals within the limits of human symbolic interaction.

Miscommunication is one particular case of a lack of alignment of individual’s mental state, specifically one in which they diverge on the occurrence or results of communication.… Read the rest

Relationship Between Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication

The communication process made of  a message being sent and perceived by the others. The message may be verbal or non-verbal. Communication means talking, making friends, interacting with people, having relationships either private life relationships or work related. Communicating with others is essential in leading a normal life. We all communicate in our own way but we need to learn how to do it effectively. Communication has two types, there is verbal communication and non-verbal communication.

The verbal is includes oral communication mean that through words and writing. Verbal communication is divided into written and oral communication. The oral communication refers to speaking words in the communication process.… Read the rest

The Importance of Non-Verbal Communication

Non-verbal communication refers to all those messages excluding spoken words. Those messages are body language such as gesture, facial expressions, eye contact and body posture. For instance, smile on our friends face on seeing us, before they utter even a greeting word, when we go to meet them after long time indicates that he or she is happy to see us.

Touch is another cue of non-verbal communications. It helps in indicating a person’s feelings or expressions, closeness, and illustrates characteristics of that person. A firm and stiff handshake or warm and lovely hug signify obviously different than a loose one.… Read the rest