Reprimands in the Workplace

Reprimanding is a form of punishment which is can be used in decreasing problematic behaviors. It simply means to be scolded, yelled at, and bawled out or to be chastised verbally for exhibiting unwanted target behavior. Reprimands are useful when a person is engaging in mannerisms that call for immediate action because maybe it is harmful to others, self, or to property. Reprimands should be explicitly and selectively used in response to particular mannerisms or behaviors. They should also be inclusive of a statement of the required behavior which of course is the opposite of inappropriate behavior. For the reprimands to be effective the user must be specific. They should also come immediately, use a physical demeanor or a firmContinue reading

How Blockchain Transforms the Recruitment Process?

Recruiting is a complex practice that requires keen analysis of the data. In recruitment, various issues are put into consideration before the employer settler in a particular job seeker. Before a hiring decision is reached, there is a various measure that job seeker and employer go through. During this process, there is a lot of data exchange between the two the job seeker, and the employer that is the job seeker must provide a set of personal information that is essential during the recruitment process. When passing this sensitive information, the job seeker trust that the employer will handle this information with care and on the other hand, the recruiter is entrusting that all information provided by the job seekerContinue reading

Working Across Boundaries

During the last decade, the concept of working across boundaries has become a popular concept. The basic premise is that individuals and organizations need to traverse boundaries if they are to achieve their goals. Essentially earlier concepts of fixed organizational demarcation lines no longer apply in modern-day business concepts. Within the organizational framework, the concept of boundaries can become a reasonably complex issue. There still remains an active debate as to whether the definitions of boundaries are realistic, objective, or imagined. The concept has become more complex with the use of outsourcing and Public/Private partnerships in terms of lines of demarcation and authority. The concept of boundaries within organizations takes on different shapes and forms. Much of this has toContinue reading

Stress – Causes, Challenges and Prevention Measures

Stress is a natural reaction generated within the body of a person to tackle a particular situation or event with focus, toughness and strength. The stress allows people to find out the unknown and hidden areas within them to face a situation. The stress mainly happens in two steps. One is the external stimulus referred to as the stressor that arises in an environment and the second is the response generated by the body to tackle that particular external stimulus. Stress could be basically categorised into different types. Eustress is the term that was coined to explain positive gains due to stress whereas distress is the stress that causes painfulness and negative fall backs. Hyper stress is the overreaction ofContinue reading

What is Succession Planning? Definition, Need and Process

Succession planning is a process for identifying and developing internal people with the potential to fill key leadership positions in the company. Succession planning increases the availability of experienced and skillful employees that are hopeful to undertake these roles as they become available. This process focuses on seeking the right person, not just the available person. It’s built on the idea of recognizing the potential leaders in organization and developing them so that they are ready to move up when the opportunity arises. It’s one of the best methods to promote recruitment and retention in organization. Although people often mix up replacement planning and succession planning, the latter goes beyond former planning because its focus is larger than one positionContinue reading

Workplace Flexibility and Work-Life Balance

In the modern highly volatile business environment, organizations go through a tough time keeping up with the market forces due to the severity of the competition they face. This makes the customer search for the best quality and value for their money. Therefore organizations formulate strategies and these strategies are then transformed into quantitative objectives and are broken down to each employee in the organization in order that they can carry out their part in it. This creates pressure in the minds of the managers and their employees. The managers persuade the employees and get the tasks done one way or the other. This increasingly demanding workplace complexity is what causes work-life balance issues. In other words, employees find itContinue reading