Brand Personality

Brand personality is as if ‘making the brand come alive’. The attribution of human personality traits (seriousness, warmth, imagination, etc.) to a brand as a way to achieve differentiation. Usually done through long-term above-the-line advertising and appropriate packaging and graphics. These traits inform brand behavior through both prepared communication / packaging, etc. and through the people who represent the brand – its employees.

Brand personality is the way in which a brand speaks of its products or services shows what kind of person it would be if it were human. A brand without a personality has trouble gaining awareness and developing a relationship with customers.… Read the rest

ERP Software Cost

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) packages are very expensive. Let us be clear. If you have already have some system or not, once you decide to go for ERP, you need to plan well. The entire project cost is not the only the ERP Software cost. It includes hardware, software, implementation, consultation charges, sensitizing employees to ERP and training them. Hence, if you come across some one indicating only the ERP software cost, do not get carried away.

Every ERP implementation needs careful planning. Once the Enterprise identifies a few specific ERP software, ERP companies or their consultants may be asked to give you some presentation as to why should their ERP software be bought.… Read the rest

ERP Software Assessment and Selection

ERP Software Assessment

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) has changed the way the multi-location companies work. All the departments in one location share a single database. And a remote sales manager can access this database and release purchase orders. One can extend this to the suppliers as well. The suppliers can see the stock of their product in your inventory and can replenish the stock immediately to the minimum stock level. All these are possible if you implement your ERP well. However, your ERP shall have the features that may be required tomorrow. Hence, it is important that you do a proper Erp Software Assessment.… Read the rest

ERP Tutorial

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) implementation needs lot of attention and dedication from all the concerned. The top management role is generally limited to the approval of the ERP package and taking care of ERP budgets. The top management identifies a person as ‘Champion’ to take the decisions as required. Once the company decides to go for a specific ERP, all the employees who are likely to be affected shall be taken into confidence and each of the end user shall be provided with ERP tutorial for their function. While there are more than one standard ERP tutorial, it may be better for the consulting company or the company’s IT department to device their own tutorial.… Read the rest

ERP Support and Maintenance

You have some decent computerized applications running in your enterprise. But you feel that you are actually leveraging the benefits of automation. Your inventory levels have not come down and items in slow moving category are on the rise. You are not getting the required Management Information Reports (MIS) as you would like to get. You realize that it is time to have a fresh look at your systems. You may approach a company that offers ERP consultancy as well as ERP support services. Generally these kinds of companies have expertise in business process re-engineering, project life cycle management. They may offer ERP support services like Enterprise Information Technology Policy, Planning, Requirements Analysis, Product configuration, Product Integration, Test and Evaluation etc.… Read the rest

ERP Review Process

Every company in today’s world will have some automation or other. Accounting packages are the first to be implemented. And the sales order processing is automated so that their clients and suppliers can access the data. It helps to implement Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), which allows the entire company to automate all its division/locations. In 1980s, ERP was available only to large industries who could afford the huge expenditure. Many ERP vendors have done their own ERP Review and have developed ERP solutions to different markets.

Any thinking of implementing ERP system shall have three stages of ERP Review process – Pre-implementation, Implementation and Post-implementation review.… Read the rest