Industrial Buying Process

In consumer marketing, consumers make buying decisions based on certain  mental stages such as need recognition, information search, evaluation, purchase  decision, and post-purchase  behavior. But, in industrial markets the buying  decision making process includes observable sequential stages involving many  people in the buying organisation. The understanding of these steps/phases of  buying-decision making is helpful to an industrial marketer to develop an  appropriate selling strategy. The purchasing activities of industrial buyers consist of various steps/phases in  buying decision making process. The importance of each step depends upon the  type of buying situation. The industrial marketers should understand both (step  in decision-making process and the type of buying situations) to market the product or service. In 1967, Robinson, Faris, and Wind developed Continue reading

Nature of Demand in Industrial Markets

The demand for industrial products and services does not survive by itself. It is  derived from the ultimate demand for consumer goods and services. Therefore,  industrial demand is called derived demand. Sometimes, the demand for  industrial product is called joint demand, when the demand for a product  depends upon its use along with the existence of other product or products.  Cross elasticity of demand exists for some substitute products in industrial  market. These concepts are detailed as follows: Derived Demand The single most important force in marketing of industrial products and services  is derived demand. Industrial customers buy goods and services for making the  use in producing other goods and services and finally produced product/service  sold to the consumers. In Continue reading

Application of Direct Marketing Tools in Industrial Marketing

Direct Marketing  is a recent activity that has come up and is used extensively by the  industrial marketers. The various tools used in direct marketing are direct  mails, telemarketing and online marketing channels. A direct marketing  channel does not involve any intermediary and the sale is done by the  company by directly contacting the target customer. As the cost involved  in direct marketing activity is much less compared to the cost of company  sales force directly meeting the customers, many industrial organizations  prefer this tool. This tool aids the sales force to gain entry into  prospective customer’s office where prospective customers are identified  beforehand and are informed about the company products. Direct Mail The existing and prospective customers are mailed Continue reading

Sales Promotion in Industrial Marketing

Sales promotion is an activity used by the industrial marketer to boost  the immediate sales of a product or service. It is used to increase the  sales by impressing the customers, rewarding them and also motivating  the sales force to get more business. There are different techniques  used in a industrial sales promotion activity like a free-sample campaign, offering  free gifts, arranging demonstrations or exhibitions, organizing  competitions with attractive prizes, temporary price reductions, door-to-door  calling, telemarketing, using personal letters, etc. More than any other element of the promotional mix, sales promotion is  about “action”. It is about stimulating customers to buy a product. It is not  designed to be informative — a role which advertising is much better  suited to. Continue reading

Publicity and Public Relations in Industrial Marketing

Publicity When any significant news about a product is made known to the people through a published medium like radio, television, newspaper or otherwise, such kind of act is known is publicity. Publicity has very high  credibility in the eyes of organizational buyers as the sponsor does not  pay anything for publicity and it is not a part of any promotional program.  It is the least costly promotional alternative available for the company  that is very effective. Publicity helps to generate sales leads and  improves relationship with customers. Technical articles published in  trade journals about a company or products with the identity of authors  (such articles are called as signed articles) improve the image of the  company and the products. Continue reading

Industrial Marketing Environment

Industrial buyers and sellers operate in a dynamic environment. One constantly poising new opportunities and threats. The industrial marketing environment could be divided into three levels namely the interface level, the  public’s  level and the macro environment level. The Interface Level This involves those key participants who immediately interface with an industrial firm (buyer or seller) in facilitating production, distribution and purchase of firm’s goods and services. Supply inputs are transformed by a company and its competitors into outputs with added value that move on to the end markets, the move being made through the firms interface with industrial distributors and dealers, manufacturers representatives and the company’s own sales people. That move is made possible by a firms interface with Continue reading