An Overview of Performance Management

Performance Management is a method for creating a collective understanding regarding what is to be accomplished and how it is to be accomplished. It is an approach to supervising people that raise the likelihood of reaching success. The performance management process helps the managers and supervisors to provide feedback to the employees regarding their current performance at job and expected level of performance. It provides clear direction to the employees about management expectations regarding their performance. The compensation and rewarding system is also established based on the performance of the employees over the period of time. It also assists the organizational leadership to identify the training needs of the organization and resolve the performance related issues.… Read the rest

ADRM Model of Human Resource Management

The employees of any organization are main characters play a vital role in the achieving the successive goals of any organization. In this regards, it is quite essential that the personnel should be provided with the secure environment as well as the satisfaction about their job while they serve an organization. An employee who feels secure better concentrates on his job and responsibility which in return cause the quality conclusion for any organization. It is recommended that the organizations must concentrate on facilitating the best job opportunities and security to their employees focusing that how much they are important for the organization and their hard work and performance influence the organizational process, its outcomes and success.… Read the rest

Different Stages of Career Development

The career stage approach is one way to look at career development. One way to characterize a person’s life or career is by identifying common experiences, challenges, or tasks most people go through as their life or career progress.

As individuals have different career development needs at different stages in their careers, when an organisation recruits an employee in any of the grades of its cadre for a fairly long tenure, the employer must take interest in and take constructive steps for building up employees’ career from that point of time. Stage views of career development have their limitations. It is applicable to a typical individual.… Read the rest

Difference Between Career Planning and Career Development

Broadly, the term career is referred to an individual’s entire work life. In a narrow sense, it can be defined as the succession of jobs and or ranks held by a person in a particular organisation. An individual’s career begins with placement in a job and ends with departure from the organisation, may be in form of retirement, resignation or death. In between, the career progression consists of changing tasks, tenure in various jobs, temporary or permanent promotions, transfers etc.

Career planning and development includes all those events that is happening to or initiated by an individual affecting his/ her progress or promotion.… Read the rest

Benefits of Career Management

Career is a general course of action, an individual chooses to pursue, all through his or her employment life. It may be represented as occupational positions a person has hold over so many years. Many people feel satisfied by achieving their career goals. At the same time, others have a strong feeling that, their careers, their lives and their potential has undergone unfulfilled. Employers too have a profound effect on employees’ careers. Some organisations have very formal career management processes, while others are very little concern about it. Career management is defined as ongoing process of preparing, implementing and monitoring career plans.… Read the rest

Collective Bargaining and the Negotiation Process

Collective bargaining is accurately an automated relations apparatus or tool, and is an aspect of negotiation, applicable to the application relationship. As a process, the two are in essence the same, and the attempt applicative to negotiations is participation ant to aggregate bargaining as well. However, some differences charge to be noted.

In aggregate bargaining the abutment consistently have an aggregate absorption back the negotiations are for the account of several employees. Area aggregate bargaining is not for one employer but for several, aggregate interests become affection for both parties to the bargaining process. In negotiations in non-employment situations, aggregate interests are less, or non-existent, except when states accommodate with anniversary other.… Read the rest