Role of Performance Appraisal in Improving Employee Performance

All organization faces the problem of directing the energies of their staff to the task of achieving organization goals and objectives. In doing so, organization need to devise means to influences and channel the behavior of their contributions. Performance appraisals constitute one of the major management tools employed in this process. This is based on the perception of an individual’s performance in a job is improved by having definite goals, feedback about their performance and complemented by an appropriate reward system. Therefore, performance appraisal are been implemented. Performance appraisals are used in nearly all organization in worldwide. Corporations use different tools and have a number of goals for performance appraisal often resulting in some confusion as to the true purpose Continue reading

Pay Concept in Human Resource Management

Pay, the financial facet of reward, is an important form in reward system; after all, it is the main reason why people work. In a pay system design, the fundamentally compensation policy issues are pay level, pay structure, and pay form. Pay level refers to pay position of an organisation compared with other competitors in labor market. In a word, it refers to ‘how much’ employees are paid. Organisations can lag, lead, or match the market. Pay structure refers to a framework within which an organisation sets different pay levels for jobs or groups of jobs. In some organisations, it presents as pay grades. Pay forms are methods of rewarding people for their efforts to the organisation and influence employee Continue reading

Contemporary Views on Motivation

Motivation is human psychological characteristic which shows the level of commitment towards a particular goal. Motivation shows that how employee think about his job, if he is motivated than productivity level will be high. Motivation linked with morale as well, if the morale is high it shows employees job satisfaction and they are dedicated and loyal for their works. But if morale is low it results low productivity, absenteeism, and the high staff turnover. In another words performance mainly depend on motivation. Contemporary Views on Motivation In this section we will be discuss about five motivation theories which can be a good example for the managers who are struggling with the low motivation of staff and the high staff turnover Continue reading

Employee Benefits and Compensation

Benefits and compensation in workplace offers a labor friendly condition to the workers to ensure that they give fully their potential. Compensation is an approach that is systematic to ensure that employees are provided with monetary value in exchange of the work performed. The purposes that the compensation is able to achieve include recruitment, job performance and job satisfaction. While benefits are a kind of compensation, that are given to employees in additional to what they get as wages and salaries. People during the pre-industrial era treated workplace and home place as one place, which change significantly with emergence of the machines and factory. Industrialization thus brought socioeconomic hierarchical that was accompanied with gender role stereotypes. This means that men Continue reading

Requirements of a Successful Industrial Relations Programme

Today’s professional industrial relations director, or by whatever title he is designated, no longer views his job as personalizing management, or that of a social worker in a factory, or a union buster, he looks upon his department as an adjunct to management supervision at all levels; he keeps other executives informed about new discoveries, programme trends and needs. At the same time, he provides efficient service in the operation of several centralized services. A successful industrial relations programme reflects the personnel viewpoint, which is influenced by three main considerations: Individual thinking Policy awareness and Expected group reaction Individualized thinking makes if imperative for the administrator to consider the entire situation in which the affected individual is placed. Policy awareness Continue reading

Determining Factors of Industrial Relations

The relationship between Employer and employee or trade unions is called Industrial Relation. Harmonious relationship is necessary for both employers and employees to safeguard the interests of the both the parties of the production. In order to maintain good relationship with the employees, the main functions of every organization should avoid any dispute with them or settle it as early as possible so as to ensure industrial peace and higher productivity. Good industrial relation programmes depend on a great variety of factors. Some of the more obvious factors of industrial relations are listed below: History of industrial relations — No enterprise can escape its good and bad history of industrial relations. A good history is marked by harmonious relationship between Continue reading