What Is International Franchising?

Franchisers sell a defined, proven business format or method of operation, offering a product or service that has sold successfully. An independent business is based on both an untried idea and operation. Franchisees can often buy lower-cost goods and supplies through the franchiser, resulting from the group purchasing power of all the franchises. Franchising provides a uniform system of operation, so that consumers receive uniform quality, efficiently and cost-effectively. A uniform system brings with it the advantages of mass purchasing power, brand identification, and customer loyalty, capitalizing on the proven format. A franchiser also provides management assistance, including accounting procedures, personnel and facility management.… Read the rest

Multinational Corporations (MNCs) – An Overview

Multinational Corporations (MNCs) are businesses that extend outside of their own country, whether they are located throughout the world or only in a couple other countries, they are considered multinational. The value adding activities which are owned by these companies are used to produce tangible goods or intangible services or the combination of both. There are many reasons as to why firms become multinational and there are various strategies for a firm to become multinational.

The immediate motives of the Firms can be to expand business, to seek new market, or for additional profits and revenues. It may also be to concentrate on the economics of scale that a larger international demand can bring.… Read the rest

Transfer Pricing Methods

In a simple terms the term Transfer pricing refers to the prices that related parties charge one another for goods and services passing between them. The most common application of the Transfer pricing rules is the determination of the correct price for sales between subsidiaries of a multinational corporation. These prices can be used to shift profits to tax-favored jurisdictions, If in a transaction between a subsidiary in a high-tax jurisdiction and another in a low-tax jurisdiction, the high-tax subsidiary charges a price below the “true” price, some of the group’s economic profit is shifted to the low-tax subsidiary. Obviously taxpayers would want to engage in this sort of behavior because it can significantly reduce their taxes.… Read the rest

Transfer Pricing – Definition, Objectives and Principles

Meaning and Definition of Transfer Pricing

Large organizations are divided into a number of divisions to facilitate managerial control. The problem of transfer pricing arises when one division of the organization transfers its output to another division as an input. A transfer price is the price one segment (sub unit, department, division etc.) of an organization charges for a product or service supplied to another segment of the same organization. The transfer from one segment to another is only an internal transfer and not a sale.

Transfer pricing is needed to monitor the flow of goods and services among the divisions of a company and to facilitate divisional performance measurement.… Read the rest

Why Marketing Strategies of Global Companies Sometimes Fail

‘The world today is a global village’ it’s a fact. But the global village still has some tribes and it is very important to keep all the tribes happy if we need to have good relationship with all of them. Since the globe is accessible to everyone, it is also vital to design the marketing strategy and develop it in the perspective of variations in the culture, traditions, taste, weather and norms of a country.

One of the most striking trends in business has been growing internationalization of the business. Companies are going global but they have to keep their customers satisfied domestically and internationally.… Read the rest

What are the Driving Forces behind Globalization?

Globalization can be characterized by four factors; the growing worldwide interconnections, rapid, discontinuous change, increased number and diversity of participants, as well as growing complexity. According to the Dictionary of Economics the term; globalization, is defined as the geographical shifts in domestic activity around the world and away from the nation states. It can also be referred to the interdependence of economies, through the increase in cross-border movement of goods, service, technology and capital. Examples of such integrations can be seen in the growing presence of many multinational companies as they expand into new regions (i.e. McDonalds) and the outsourcing of manufacturing and services.… Read the rest